Please forgive my tired nature and excuse my complaints.
My exhaustion comes from a day filled with getting things done and learning things. Learning isn't always easy, most of the time the emotional lessons learned take a bigger tole on the ol' bod!
It started slowly, this learning process , but then took off like a spooked horse or (insert crazy fast analogy here). It was one of those lessons that you have already learned a ba'zillion times but it seems to be the hardest part of your life to in act the fix, ya know what I'm talking about? well i decided that aside from being 6 months pregnant i feel like crap most days in fact everything hurts and well i just don't feel 'good'. so I must do something about it and that this pregnancy was gonna be different. I was gonna stay / get back / head towards in shape, yes i know i am already a shape but its not my favorite shape. so i decide because of our current time issues that the gym just wouldn't work for me, but my oh so fabu MIL gifted the gift of the century for Christmas and so i decided that i would Wii - active and walk to stay / get back / head towards a different shape. so dun dun dun, by legs, butt and knees are killing me! with all that said on to lesson 2 for the day...
some times its important to admit...someone else can do it.
now for those of you that have the awesome fantastic privilege of knowing myself or my dear sweet hubs up close and personal ( which isn't many people) you will know we have a ...
well lets say its a ...
we are both VERY stubborn , OK!
we didn't think about this "thing" when making other people so now we have 2 amazing little stubborn boys. but also those of you that know the hubs and I know that we pretty much created 'Mini mommy and daddy's' when procreating. there is one little boy in particular that is so much like his dear sweet daddy ( no way that could be my traits) that i have a hard time teaching him ANYTHING and by teaching i mean literally like ABC's , 123's and other scholastic ventures. I figured this out at a early age (yeah i know hes only 4, but believe me you don't gotta burn me twice) so i knew preschool was in our future and that the dear sweet hubs would be teaching the bike riding and such. which the thought never bothered me, until today. we took our little mini hubs to his first "swim lesson" i walked him in to hit the pools and his teach said hello brayden he was very scared and didn't want to even look at said teach. so i walked him over to the steps and he got in, i hurried to the observation room and watched someone teach my baby to swim. i know it seems odd to get all upset but it was the moment of i would like to do that for him and i cant teach my kid!!! I'm a failure as a mother! i cried about it in the child's play area for a second then composted myself with a warm though that mini hubs doesn't need me to teach him to swim he needs me to love him and be his rock be the place that is safe and to be there when he rocks the bubble blowing in the water and high five him when he recovers like a champ from a large suction like mishap when trying to impress me with his bubble blowing skills! so lesson 2 i don't need to teach him to swim, i need to teach him that i love him and that i am his cheerleader and safe place.
I know i know you think no way with the way your day went already can there be another lesson...OH YEAH!
This time it was the dear sweet hub learning it.i was just hearing it for my good as well. ya see my dear sweet hubs has this awesome promise from the Lord that he will be ...well...awesome! and he yesterday after a little snooze button 'malfunction' the DS hubs missed his class. so taking into consideration lesson one ( from above) and convo's we have had. I poked him in his chest and said get up...your going for a run he grumbled then took off, informing me he was going to run towards the fire station down the street so that medical personnel would be close when he killed over! he was gone for a LONG TIME so i texted...
Me - "you k? need medical attention?"
Him - "not yet" he said.
so i put the worry in my back pocket and carried on. turns out he ran 5.5 miles... on the first day back! i thought maybe 2 or even 3 would have been sufficient! so anyway we were talkin as usual about our S.T.U.P.I.D house and he said
Him - ya know i learned something yesterday...
Me - oh yeah what was that?
Him - i need to focus on whats in front of me...
Me - huh?
Him - i realized as i was running that if i looked up the street my body started to ache and i started to get tired but if i looked at the ground right in front of my feet i was fine. i need to focus on the ground in front of me.
Me - *silence*
Me again - wow , i love that! good life lesson.
We went on to talk about all the things in our lives that applies to and how we need to focus on today because our to do list for the future makes you doubt your ability to do it all. ( insert gospel comparison here)
so all that coupled with some to do list cross offs I'm tired and tomorrow starts a new day of one task at a time. oh and the terminex guy is coming...oui i hate bugs!
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can't type... tears streaming... I love you family! You are the bestest parents.
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