Monday, February 8, 2010

I really love this quote,  I think some times we get so caught in the current of things in our head that we forget to sometimes release those things that maybe can be resolved by saying them out loud.  That is not to say that everything must be said, but sometimes a audible emotion sometimes relieves our mind of the trouble of dealing with it alone.


"Saying things out loud, even if only to yourself, changes how you think and feel about whatever it is you choose to say. On the first day someone speaks the truth about something everyone else has been too afraid to say, or admit to themselves, the world changes forever. Telling someone you love them for the first time, or that they've hurt your feelings, or a thousand other scary things can take more courage than any amount of action."


1 comment:

Chelsea said...

Hey Ashley! Just saw your blog on the Cunninhams blog. Just wanted to tell you that your lesson was awesome yesterday! Thanks! You have such a cute little family.

-Chelsea Bulkley

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