Sunday, November 1, 2009

Halloween 2009

So in the name of tradition we headed over to Lombardi Ranch to check out the festivities and get a couple pumpkins. We told the boys that we needed to pick out 2 pumpkins, one to make their pumpkin dinner in and one to make a creepy one. Though this is a cute picture, this was not their selection.... These were their picks...

So once we got our pumpkins home we set up our pumpkin carving "station"! The boys loved it, all except the gutting of the pumpkin.

So we thought it would be great to do a family Halloween theme!

Shout out to Gramma Missy for the costumes...
I am sorry to say i kind a messed up and didn't take any good Trick or Treating Pics of the is what i have!

Pookie made out like a bandit because everyone thought he was so cute... so he always got a second run at the candy bucket. by nights end we had him saying something that very much resembled "trick or treat". We went Trick or Treating with the Cunningham's, which was so fun

It was a great day. we really enjoyed each other and had a ball!

1 comment:

Missy said...

Too cute! but we must also give credit to Aunt Shelly she was involved in the picking & purchasing of the costumes.

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